How they roll in the Pacific Northwest!

A couple of weeks ago I was checking out nerfhaven, and found this little thread:

Nerfhaven thread announcement!

So from what I can tell this group out in Washington state has a publicly accessible old fort available for their foam warfare! Illinois unfortunately is short on supply on things like this (believe me, I looked. Do you know of something I must have missed and live in IL? Let me know - Either way, judging from the pics (gallery links to follow) the site works for indoor and outdoor foam flinging - hallways, corridors, multiple levels, surrounding vegetation, it's pretty intense. The group uses flagging tape and glowsticks, and even in broad daylight it looks like some of the rooms are just ripe for poorly lit "who's there!?" moments. Awesome.

The rules for this group and location are as follows:


All players under 18 need parental consent. That means they have to speak to ME directly. I need to do this for each war. I can meet or call your parents before the war if you would like. Lawsuits suck.

Eye Protection. We have extras.

OFFICIAL NERF AMMO ONLY. We picked up a wide variety (White, black, gray, and red) of dangerous homemade ammo with metal weights and washers poking out at the end of the day last time. They look like they didn't stand up to the concrete very well and we have no interest in having those things fired at us. I just picked up over 100 streamlines to replenish the communal ammo, so there is plenty to spare.

All modded blasters are subject to approval. These are point blank range firefights!

This is a state park. We keep it clean, respect other guests, and behave ourselves.

Any threats of actual violence, unsafe play, or other nonsense will not be tolerated."

Stock ammo, and point blank encounters = probably very limited mods. But in an area like this I don't see that being a problem. I haven't been to a proper indoor war yet, but they look like a lot of fun and something like this where you have the potential of both worlds is an interesting scenario. It looks like they're done for the year at this location but I am seriously jealous of you, Puget Sound/Pacific Northwest Nerfers.

Let this stand as testament that foam fighting doesn't end at mods and open fields. It's a big world out there, find some interesting places to play (preferably within legal statutes!)

Thankfully, "Flaming Hilt" was nice enough to let me link to his album:

Pacific Northwest Nerf!

And it looks like they had a freaking great time. Way to keep it lively out there, folks! One day, if I go to WA I'll look you guys up. Thanks for the cooperation, "Gunther!"

'til next time, Foam Flingers!

Vas The Stampede

Don't forget! Foam From Above is always looking for Foamme Fatales for our gallery! See the details in the right sidebar! Are you a girl who nerfs/male nerfer with females in your group? Let'em represent! Attention whoring photos/scantily clad ones are NOT what we're looking for here.

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