Build Demo! KForce K-10V Time Lapse Speed

Building a KForce K-10V blaster (How long did it Take?)
Vas The Stampede


24 minutes

In a new installment, you see how long it took me to build one of the new K'Nex KForce Kits from K'Nex (that means, product provided, but my opinions are my own).

The "Build and Blast" KForce line has a lot of really good ideas in it, from the actual building and construction of the blasters (which any modder out there can appreciate) to the near-limitless possibilities what someone can build with a kit and a whole lot more K'nex pieces (something I would like to test for myself in the future).

I might be tempted to do a slower video in the future, mainly because while time-lapse is cool you don't get a feel for some of the mishaps I had during building (I think the manuals could be a bit clearer on instructions, but that's a discussion for another post, such as when I do a firing video). I wonder if someone who is familiar with K'Nex can do these builds faster, or if even someone who more regularly builds construction kits might have a leg up on me and shave time off what I did.

In any event, the line is still being supported and innovated on, and that's all one can really ask in a super competitive arena like blasters. Companies are going for range, capacity, aesthetics, and K'Nex continues to fuel imaginative building while trying to produce a blaster that fires on par with most others, even if rate of fire may suffer slightly.

So let's try this; if you have the same kit, or any kit that I post here, video yourself building it too and tag me in it! Whatever time I have, see if you can beat it or challenge me to build a KForce blaster faster than you (and get away with it)!

I still have a few more upcoming projects to do, so make sure to come back and keep checking for updates! Blaster reviews, photos, and the NvZ video are all on the way. Thanks again!

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